Saturday, January 26, 2013

Choosing a Wedding Photographer::Advice from the Inside

Just like finding a great restaurant or a fabulous hairstylist,  the smartest first move is to ask your friends for recommendations.  So, once you have the list of All your local photographers, now what?!

Obviously, photography is important to you, or you wouldn't have asked for recommendations.  There is always the option of asking the guests to bring their cameras...but obviously that's not an option for Your wedding.  So How do you decide which Photographer is best for you?

Ask yourself a few questions:

What Style of photography speaks to you?

What would you like to capture Most from one of The most important days of your life?

What is your Budget?

What is your Personality?

Make a list of the photographer names and websites.  A  Real written or typed list, not just one in your head.  Now, grab a pen or a sharpie.

Step One:: Visit {at least Briefly} every single recommended website or blog {or Facebook page...newer photographers don't always have websites} and look at the examples of their work.  Find a system to 'rate' what you find.  Maybe stars for the photographers whose work you LOVE, then crossing out names of those whose work makes you wrinkle your forehead and raise your "WTHeck...?!"  Your list should be narrowed down to less than half now.  Now, you have the Love's and the Maybe's.

***Once you find a few AMAZING images from a photographer you think you may be falling in Love with...ask to see a Completed gallery to get an idea of what you might expect of Your completed gallery.  ***
Finally, you're getting Somewhere.  You're getting closer to discovering what your photography Preference is.  Ultimately you should LOVE your finished product...the way it looks, the quality, the "feel" the images have, the emotion it inspires when you view them.  If you don't, you'll regret your choice forever and ever.

Step Two:: Plenty of people think money is Step One.  But... it is Not.
The question "How much do you charge for a wedding?"  is not a one answer question, no matter Who you ask.  So don't make that your starting question and Don't just find their price list and cross them off!  Please, hear me out.

Of course Everyone has a limit.  EVERYONE.  You have a pretty good idea about whether you can afford $10,000 for your wedding photography...or if that's as much as you can spend on the Whole wedding.  But if you want to love your wedding images, start at the top of your list from Step One.  Remember...the Ultimate goal is to LOVE your pictures.  Snagging a great Clearance sale item is Totally different than a good wedding portraiture experience.

Grab your marker again...get ready to make contact and to take notes.

Your First question to a potential photographer should be "Are you available for (your wedding date) at (your wedding venue)?"  Get ready to cross names off the list ...because if they're Your favorite photographer, they're someone else's favorite, too.  And the favorites book a year {or more} ahead, quite often.  This is why your photographer should be the First vendor you contract after securing your venue.

NOW let's talk money.   Ask what their most popular package is as a starting point.  Don't be discouraged if it's out of your range.  Describe your wedding to them and what you feel like your budget can stand.  Ask if there's a package they can recommend for you.  Sometimes...not Always...pricing is negotiable.  SOMETIMES.  

   {But still...Two Hundred AWESOME images are better than two THOUSAND 'ehhhh' images.  Any day.
A small package from a Great photographer is
better than a Huge package from a not-so-awesome photographer.
Any day.}

If your venue is clearly high end, don't expect any discounts from your vendors.  None at all.  If you want a big, showstopping wedding, you're obviously not concerned with a hefty price tag for the best of the Best, with all the bells & whistles, photo books, and canvases.

But if your wedding is VERY small, you're paying for it yourself, your kids ARE your bridal heart is going to start melting at how sweet and rare True love is and I want to be there to cry happy tears with you all :)

The bottom line on Pricing is this:  Sometimes, you're so concerned about saving $100 that you later regret spending $500.  Sometimes, you're so sure that if you spend $5000 it's going to be awesome...when you would have been happier with the $2000 option.

Because what will make you Happiest is to be successful with Step ONE.

So, now that your list is Realistically narrowed down to the Style & Quality you like best AND an Investment you can afford, let's study Personality.

Step Three:: We have the luxury of Social Media.  Before you even meet someone, you can creep their page and learn a whole bunch about ANYONE.  Use that to your advantage and cross off more names off that List.  Your wedding photographer is a Big part of your day.  Whether we are In your space or Inconspicuously acting as your personal paparazzi...we need to see eye to eye on many levels.  We are Party-ers,   we are devout Christians, we cuss like Sailors, we blush at anything Remotely inappropriate.  We are all Different.  But we all find others Similar to Us.  Those are the people we consider Normal...the ones like US.

Cross off a few more names.  Star a few.  Meet {even if only by phone} with the Stars.  Decide if they are Normal.

Now, your Mile long list is super Short.  You have found Your wedding photographer, at Last.

Visit my website:

Direct link to my Wedding Pricing:!i=1449973970&k=BWsthDg

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